Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Screech Gets It On

From the Thunderstick:

"You know, despite how much fun they are, I was never really sure if blogs
served a useful purpose in our society until I realized today that they can
be used to get stories like this out to a larger audience. If this isn't
DCat material, I don't know what is": Porn star's name may ring a 'Bell'
Let's just put it this way: The phrase "Dirty Sanchez features.

I live to serve my readers.


AtriaBooks said...

I was hoping Kelly Kapowski would produce the first Bayside porn...I'd even take biker chick Tori waaaaaaay before I'd want to see Screech.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Let's just hope that Mr. Belding doesn't feature in the production.

dcat said...

I assumed that this would draw the Saved by the Bell fans from the woodwork. Thunderstick was always an impassioned fan. I doubt I've ever watched a full episode, but I presented this as a public service announcement.


Thunderstick said...

There is no question that SBTB (at least the original class after they jettisoned Hailey Mills's stupid Miss Bliss character and moved the school from Indy to Cali and stocked it with hot chicks) is one of the top 3 TV shows of all time with Beverly Hills 90210 (until Dylan left) and the Simpsons. There is no argument about this.

dcat said...

Why do I feel like I just stepped into a Sportsguy mailbag?


Ritmo Re-Animated said...

The Thunderstick does have a point, Dcat.