Monday, March 05, 2007

U.S. Intellectual History Blog

There is a new blog devoted to United States intellectual history that looks promising. According to the email I just received from H-Pol:
The U.S. Intellectual History blog originated with a post on the listserv H-Ideas in January of 2007. In his message, Tim Lacy noted the lack of any formal space devoted solely to the study of ideas and arguments in their specifically American context, and solicited volunteers to help build such institutions. A diverse collection of scholars responded, and "U.S. Intellectual History" represents the group's first attempt to establish an infrastructure for this vibrant academic concentration. The editors of the weblog post news and information, short essays, book reviews and provocative conversation-starting questions, all in the area of U.S. intellectual history.

The blog will also contain book reviews, relevant links, and will likely be a useful location for gathering information on intellectual history in the US.

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