Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Self-indulgence Alert

History News service has distributed my latest op-ed piece, The Unpredictability of an Unhappy Electorate. HNS sent it all across this great land of ours, and even into Canada and abroad. Here is a taste from the first couple of paragraphs:
The confetti has begun to settle after the latest election. The Democrats have congratulated themselves, the Republicans have pointed fingers, and the pundits have tried to convince us that they knew all along that this was precisely what would happen.

One of the preferred approaches of conservative pundits has been to whistle past the graveyard by asserting that the Democratic victories of Nov. 7 represent little more than the typical tilting of a midterm election toward the party out of power. But with apologies to Tolstoy, what we have instead learned is that while happy electorates are all alike, every unhappy electorate is unhappy in its own way.

Look for it in a newspaper near you. Or just click on the link and read it for free. Cheapskate.

I'll be leaving town for the Southern Historical Association's annual shindig tomorrow morning. The meeting is in Birmingham, and I am on the program with what should be a wonderful panel on the Freedom Rides Saturday afternoon at the famous Sixteenth Street Baptist Church. If you are in the neighborhood, drop on by. I will post as I can.