Friday, October 31, 2008

On Political Books

The National Book Critics Circle has begun a new quarterly feature on its blog, Critical Mass, called "NBCC Reads." The organization asked its membership to comment on the best books on politics in honor of the ongoing (and seemingly neverending) election. Yours truly is quoted in the first edition. I sent in commentary on the five books I am using in my course on the modern presidency and presidential elections this tearm (a hybrid course half devoted to history and half to looking at this election) and while the NBCC used none of that, some of my comments on two other books were quoted.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great course. What are the other three books you're using?

Name: Matthew Guenette said...

also quoted: lia purpura, who i've invited to read here at matc this week...

Anonymous said...

Dr. C~how is this course working out. Why does all the good courses have to come up when I leave. See ya' Saturday.