Monday, June 05, 2006

The Cyber Hacienda

My friend and colleague Jaime Aguila has just started a new blog, his first, The Cyber Hacienda. His goals?
To better understand myself and demonstrate what it is like to be an educated Chicano in the 21st century. My pride in my Mexican heritage and my consistent criticisms concerning U.S. foreign policy, this mighty nation’s inability to curb poverty, and U.S. society's failed commitment to correct the rampant-although obscured-racism, DOES NOT NEGATE IN ANYWAY MY PRIDE IN MY NATIVE COUNTRY, THE USA, NOR DO I FAIL TO UNDERSTAND HOW PRIVILEGED I AM TO LIVE HERE.

Jaime is a Latin Americanist and an expert on immigration. He is still getting the hang of this blogging thing, but my hope is that I will be able to convince him to join us as a contributor here at dcat.

1 comment:

El Aguila said...

Thanks for the intro. Here is a sample of one of my recent posts.


"Gay Americans bigger threat than illegal immigrants?"

Are Gay Americans a bigger threat than illegal immigrants? Is this statement even worthy of discussion? President W thinks so, according to today's radio address. Bigger threat to whom? And bigger threat where? Certainly, not at the border. Regardless of where you stand on this debate-I personally believe in equality for all; so let them, like all other Americans and non Americans be married, if they choose-can we as a society lose track of the threat of terrorism and the supposed open borders that just last week had to be addressed above all other issues. And when I state other issues I mean poverty, public school funding, and 1/4 of all Americans being obese. Yes, even the make believe issues such as the reasons for being in Iraq, Enron, and social security reform are more significant.

Yes, I know the elections, but someone give President W a new magic 8-ball. What's next? We must invade the island of Tonga, eliminate the Tonga language, and ensure that they only speak English so that the NSA can listen to their phone calls in case Al Qaeda infiltrates Nuku'alofa (their capital).

"Jaime, you lost me!"…W you lost me! If terrorism is such a big threat and I think it is (we will save drug trafficking for a later post) can this nation be distracted within the immediate future leading up to midterm elections on such a minor social issue. Yes minor, since W's focus is on a constitutional amendment that has no chance to pass. Even you conservative homophobes should agree that our government must maximize its efficiency in its ability to protect all American citizens-yes even the ones that are Gay and want to get married- from terrorist threats.