Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Black business owners on rise

1 comment:

dcat said...

This is all part of what has been a long (but slow) emerging and welcome trend in the growth of the black middle class. We might never know it, but most African Americans now fit broadly into that categorization.
I also should point out that these successes are attributable in no small part to people like friend of dcat Donnie Baseball who has spent most of the last decade creating parrtenrships to provide access to entrepeneurship by an ambitious, able, and growing group of blacks. First with the Business Roundtable and now with his own initiatives, including one aptly called the GRID (apt if you know Don, that is) Don has done the hard work of creating opportunities. To do so, Don has reached across the political aisle, oftentimes putting himself in the double biond of being the only African American and the only liberal in the room. It is efforts like these that will continue to bear fruit. It is news like this that deserves greater publicity.
