Wednesday, May 26, 2010

One Man's Reasons Are Another Man's Excuses

It's been a bit hectic here at dcat Central. I am teaching a Maymester course, which is incredibly intense and occupies giant amounts of time. The good part is that it's only a three-week term, and the course (US History Since 1945 Through Film) has gone exceedingly well. Tomorrow is the last day of the class, and I should have grades submitted by Friday. At that point I will be preparing for my South Africa trip, but I also have a chapter for an edited collection to finish, a conference paper to write, and progress to make on my book projects. Nonetheless, posting should accelerate.

In the meantime you should check out the FPA Africa Blog, where writing has also been light, but at least there is some content. I'll be writing daily about the World Cup starting sometime around June 9, when I head to South Africa via Ethiopia, where I'll spend a night in Addis Ababa.

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