Wednesday, June 27, 2007

More Veep Fun

Following up on last week's latest entry in the mind-boggling audacity of Dick Cheney come two worthwhile pieces from The New Republic online. The first is Eric Rauchway's comparison of Aaaron Burr and Cheney for the dubious title of "most dangerous Vice President ever." Second comes Michael Currie Schaffer's argument for defunding the office of the Vice President, something that began as a publicity stunt but that based on Cheney's own other-side-of-the-looking-glass worldview takes on a certain logic.


Complex Event Processing said...

Dude, four branches of government is better than three. Get with the program.

dcat said...

I guess my Constitutional Law is a bit rougher than I thought it was. I need to brush up on the oft-overlooked Article II.b, I guess.


Anonymous said...

This is all well and good, but inquiring minds want to know what you and Alberto Gonzalez discussed at the baseball game Tuesday night? How well did he take to receiving dcat's wisdom regarding those pesky amendments to the constitution?

dcat said...

Anon --
Naturally we talked. It was off the record. But I can just say this much -- Gonzalez actually disagrees with everything for which he is believed to stand but Dick Cheney has the goods on him.
