Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Oooooh, That's Gotta Sting

Over at the New York Post chameleon (sleazeball?) extraordinaire Dick Morris brings the hammer down on the administration. According to Morris, "Bush has truly become the Republican equivalent of President Jimmy Carter, out of control, dropping in popularity, unable to resume command."

Since I got this tidbit from Michael Crowley over at The Plank I may as well echo his sentiment: "Ouch." Bush has had a historically awful second term. All but his most blinkered cheerleaders admit as much. And as of right now, things do not look poised to improve. The problem, of course, is that we should want things to improve irrespectiove of who occupies the seats of power in government. At the same time, we can wish in one hand and spit in the other and we all know which will fill up faster, so while many of us would like to see some improvement in the whole host of areas that Bush seems incapable of improving, it is not untoward to hope that the result of this will be a fairly dramatic shift in American politics.

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