Sunday, August 07, 2005

Keeping the Spirit Alive

As Tootle might have said, "we're getting the band back together!" Sort of. DCAT has sent out invitations to the Rebunkers to become permanent guest bloggers, staff contributors, or senior editors (whichever term they prefer) at this site. This will allow dcat to have more than one voice, and familiar and talented ones at that. This should be squared away within the week. Good news -- tell your friends; even if you or they don't much care for me, they'll like the periodic contributions of the others.

1 comment:

dcat said...

Chris --
In due time. When I am not angry. The fact is, we were brought down by a whole series of things, none of which anyone can trace to anything that any of us wrote on Rebunk. It has to do with the oversized sense of self of another blogger on hnn, a gutless site administrator, and my unwillingness to put up with it any more. It may take a while. I have no interest in starting a fight right now, and so when I talk about what happened, I want to do it with a clear head and a slightly less angry heart.
