Saturday, March 19, 2011

Airport Security and Privilege

Can someone please explain to me why there is a special security line for first-class passengers in (at least some) airports? I can understand why airlines provide special perks, including devoted lines, for their monied customers. But the process of security, which is operated by the United States government, is not supposed to be eased by privilege. Paying more to fly in better seats on American Airlines should literally have nothing to do with the treatment one gets in passing through TSA's gantlet.

This is yet another example of how the whole security apparatus is largely theater. After all, Osama bin Laden could afford to fly first class. Affluence is hardly indicative of virtue and flying coach is not a sign of jihadism.


Chester Cheetah said...

Dcat- I've been wondering that for ages. What specific airline you are flying, and what seat you are sitting in should have nothing to do with getting through security. Agree 100%

Thunderstick said...

You can't even masturbate on an airplane anymore...thanks Bin Laden

dcat said...

Like hell you can't . . .